個人開発日記 Personal Project Diary


Started my own project - 1




I wanted to develop my own project since before.

so i already planed application concept, what launguege will be used.


anyway, nothing begin without deciding  what to do and in what order

so i will just start make tasks and management.


speaking of service of taskmanagement,

i thought GitHub would be good for management but there is a problem.

it'll confusing by mixing coding tasks and any other tasks.

I came up that make another repo for managing Non-coding tasks but i just 

dont't like it lol.


then i found this serice.

Jira | 課題 & プロジェクト追跡ソフトウェア | Atlassian


It's free for Team of 10 or less.

and they say backlog, sprint or somethin so

I think it's for agile software development. 

If that so, its good opportunity to study agile.

Im gonna use this.



Manage tasks for large-grained projects, TODO, here

Detailed coding tasks will be managed on GitHub.


next, make todo tasks, Prioritize